Saturday, June 17, 2017

A Week of Thoughts About Bible Fathers - The First Father

Whenever you study your Bible, one of the first principles to keep in mind is the principle of first mention.  Find the first time a subject or word is mentioned for the first time on the Bible and that is often the standard for the rest of the Bible’s usage of that subject or word.

The first father mentioned in Scripture is Adam in Genesis 4:1.  Whenever we think of this first father we usually drift first into thinking about his sin and how it has impacted all of humanity.  However there is so much more to Adam than his failure in the Garden of Eden.  

  1. Adam had the privilege to talk face to face with God and then to share with his family what God had shared with him in that quiet time.  So today can every father do the same, if he seeks the Lord first (Proverbs 8:17).
  2. Adam had the privilege of being the first person to do work and labor.  Now I know there are many who would scoff at this thought, but work and labor are good and every father today can lead by example in this (Proverbs 14:23).
  3. Adam had the privilege of being the first to see the preciousness of God ordained marriage.  It was actually Adam’s first recorded words that showed the wonder of marriage (Genesis 2:23) and so can every father today openly proclaim the preciousness of their marriage.
  4. Adam had the privilege of being the first to lead his children to the Lord.  Adam obviously shared the Creation, the Fall, and the Curse with his sons and daughters.  But he also saw his son Abel clearly understand the offering of blood for sin and it appears that Abel knew the Lord from the testimony.  What a thrill to be able, as a father, to see your children come to know the Lord as their Savior!
  5. Adam had the privilege of being the first grandfather.  Imagine being the first to see your grandchildren run and play!  What a joy Adam must have had to see the children of Seth run in and out of his door - an honor for anyone who is a grandfather today, I am sure (Proverbs 17:6).
  6. Adam had the privilege of being reunited with his son, Abel, in eternity.  When Cain took Abel’s life, Abel was clearly a righteous man and went into eternity trusting in the shed blood for his atonement (Genesis 4:4).  I also believe that Adam was the first fallen man to be saved by God’s grace and clearly as a righteous man he went into eternity redeemed.   Abel and Adam, because of God’s grace and their faith, were reunited there.  What a joy to know that one day we can be joined together again with our loved ones who have left this life for the wonder and glory of Heaven.

Adam may have his faults, but he also is our father and we should honor him as he did give us our lives and the opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:45).

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