Monday, July 31, 2017

Dead Man Walking - Being Dead to Sin

In years past when a criminal was sentenced to die by execution the jailers would hold him in a portion of the prison known as “Death Row.”  On the day that he was to be executed, as they were leading him to be executed, the other inmates would cry out, “Dead man walking.”  It was their way of saying you are already dead if you are still walking around. 

In Romans, Paul reminds us that we “are dead to sin” (Romans 6:1) even if we are still walking around in daily life.  He is not saying that sin will no longer be a temptation to us as we live in a  body of flesh and even Paul had his struggles with sin in his flesh as he states in Romans 7:15-17, “…but what I hate, that do I.”  But what Paul wants us to grasp is that sin can be defeated in our daily lives to such a degree that we are “dead” to it.

Think about it, the day that an alcoholic dies, he no longer desires to drink.  The day that a drug addict stops breathing, he will not longer have the desire to smoke the foul addictive element.  Death brings about a cessation of desire and that is what we a true believer can do in Christ - die to sin’s power over him.

Remember that positionally believers were crucified with Christ almost 2000 years ago (Galatians 2:20) and that we were dead spiritually until the Holy Spirit of God quickened us in Christ (made alive according to Ephesians 2:1).

The key to dying to sin is found in Romans 6:11 where we are told to “…reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  In other words, we are to be alive until God and thus we will be dead to sin.

Let me be transparent in such a way that illustrates this truth.  I have had a personal struggle for many years, which I will not share directly as it is between my Lord and I, but it is a daily battle which I face.  I asked God hundreds of times to take the entire temptation and struggle from me completely.  I did this because I thought that the very act of being tempted was defeating me as a Christian and I would be a better servant if I NEVER had to face that temptation again.  But then one day I was reminded by the Spirit of God that Paul had to “die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31) and that was my need as well - daily dying to my temptation and sin.  It was like the Lord was saying, “I am not going to tempt you to sin, but I am going to allow you to require daily reliance on me to defeat that sin.”  Then I more fully understood Paul’s Romans 6.  You see,  every day now before I get out of bed I ask the Lord to help me to die to that sin - EVERYDAY!  It is a daily requirement for me to “reckon” myself dead to that sin.  As a matter if fact, there are even times where I have to ask again and again throughout the day for my will to be surrendered to God by saying again, “Let me die to that sin.”

We must come to the place in our Christians walk that we accept that temptation is not sin in itself, but, it is when we no longer DIE to the temptation that sin is conceived in us (James 1:12-15).  Jesus was tempted and thus temptation is not of itself sin (Hebrews 4:15), as Jesus never sinned.  There are some temptations that a person gets such complete victory over that it never seduces him again.  But, clearly, there are some situations where a believer must die daily to that temptation and conscientiously choose to be “Dead Men Walking.”  Dying to sin on daily basis.

Let me close with this thought, victory in the Christian life is not the absence of temptation, but, victory in the Christian life is the period of time in our lives when we are not yielding to temptation.  If you are being tempted but not yielding to that sin, that does NOT mean you are failing to walk in Christ, it means you are a “Dead Man Walking” and that, in spiritual terms, is right where God planned for you to be according to Romans 6 - dead to sin.

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