Tuesday, March 13, 2018

God's Word or Man's Word?

I believe that the Bible is God's Word for many reasons. It was inspired by God, but, written down by men.

Here is one example of why I believe that based in logic and reason...man does not truly show the faults of the chosen and exalted among them.

As an example, I give you Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood in their documents refuse to show her as she truly was, a racist, a hater of the nuclear family, and biased against the handicapped.(1) They instead says she is "heroic" just "imperfect. They then proceed to show her supposed good points while excusing her "imperfections." They state that she her relationship with eugenics was "nuanced" because she used the word "voluntary" not mandatory. But this was only true because she had no authority to make it mandatory. She embraced eugenics fully and in 1921 published an article entitled, "The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda."(2) In this article she states, "...we are convinced that racial regeneration like individual regeneration, must come 'from within.'" She was clearly stating that racial imperfections needed to be purged willingly, not that racial diversity was good. She HATED minorities, but, according to her defenders that is just an "imperfection." That is just one example of how mankind writes about its heroes.

But God's Word is completely honest about humanity! In the Bible God shows men such as Abraham and David (Two of the greatest heroes of the faith) in all their failures as well as their successes. God held nothing back as we are told of Abraham's lies and David's adultery and murder. Why? Because God wants us to know that He uses imperfect people and thus, in my mind, this helps to validate that the Bible is God's Word not man's. Man hides the failures, while does not.

The Bible is not about exalting mankind but about showing the fragility of humanity and the impact that sin has upon us...even in our "heroes." If man alone wrote the Bible, why would the failures of the "heroes" be so pronounced and transparent? Mankind does not work that way, but God does.

For some, this is not enough to prove the validity of God's Word as divinely inspired, but, to me, it is just another proof that I have chosen to accept. One of many, I might add.



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