Monday, January 11, 2016

How to Test for Unsound Doctrines

How many views of a doctrine are there in the world today?  Let's select one and see.  How about the doctrinal teaching about the "Rapture."  Its not as simple as some would think:

1. There are those who believe the Rapture should have already taken place.  There have been dozens, maybe hundreds, of accepted Bible teachers who have already set dates for the Rapture.  These began as far back as 500 AD and before.

2. There are those who have set dates that are yet to come, but they believe that the date/year is known.  These include Sir Isaac Newton who said the Lord will return in 2060.

(Within the next three groups, there are groups that believe the Rapture will be for some while others in each group believe it will be for all.)

3. There are those who believe that the Rapture is unknown but will take place BEFORE the Tribulation.

4. There are those who believe that the Rapture is half way through the Tribulation and thus if you know the beginning of the Tribulation then you know Rapture timeframe.

5. There are those believe that the Rapture is at the end of the Tribulation and thus knowing the beginning of the Tribulation gives you the Rapture timeframe too.

6. Lastly, there are those who believe that the Rapture and Second Coming are the same event.

These do not include those who say there is no Rapture at all!

Now take this confusion and multiple it by the other "doctrines" and what do you have? A MESS!  No wonder the unsaved world is so confused....supposed Christians are confused about the very foundation of their faith...DOCTRINE!

So how do we put someone's doctrine to the test?  Here are a few biblical methods that show sound doctrine.  This is, of course, not an exhaustive list, but its a starting point for studying and discussion:

1. 1 Timothy 1:8-11 tells us that any doctrine that excuses sin IS NOT sound doctrine.  In my mind, an example would be homosexuality may be accepted by our culture and even by some religion's "doctrine," but clearly God drew a line in Romans 1.  Thus teaching homosexuality isn't sin IS NOT sound doctrine.

2. 2 Timothy 4:3 tells us that sound doctrine will be rejected by some. This means that IF  the unsaved fully embraces a certain doctrine, then it is probably not sound doctrine.  In my mind, an example would be there are many who say Jesus is Lord, but they do not live as if He was their Lord!

3. Titus 1:5-9 tells us that sound doctrine will exhort (comfort) the Christian and convince (refute) those who stand against God (gainsayers)!  In my mind, an example would be the fact that there is a Hell which secures a Christian's faith in grace and assaults the sinner's security in their own good works.

Sound doctrine cannot come from a single person's explanation (2 Peter 1:20), nor can it be based upon a single Bible verse (Matthew 18:16 & 2 Corinthians 13:1), nor can it be founded in some man's teachings apart from the Word of God (Matthew 15:9).  It must exalt the Lord Jesus Christ (2 John 9) and lead us away from sin (Titus 2:7).

It would be wonderful if every Christian in the world would have the same doctrine, as this would aid Christians being able to work together for the cause of Christ, but Satan will make sure that cannot happen in the latter time in which we live (1 Timothy 4:1).

Let's ask the Lord to help us individually find SOUND DOCTRINE!

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