Saturday, January 9, 2016

There is Only One Doctrine!

Doctrine means the teaching contained in God's Word.  In most Christian circles we consider "doctrine" the main teachings of our faith, such as the doctrine of Theology, which is the study of God.

But how did the early Christians see doctrine?

It is clear that doctrine has always been the backbone of the Christian faith as the early believers strongly defending and taught it. (Acts 2:42 & Romans 16:17)  It is also clear that they were willing to name those who would teach false doctrine (Revelation 2:14) and to warn preachers to teach only that doctrine which came from the Lord through the Apostles (1 Timothy 1:3).

In Acts 2:42 it is called the Apostles' doctrine, but clearly that was because they were the conduit of the Lord's doctrine (Hebrews 6:1) and not the source of the truth.  It must be understood that whenever "doctrine" was mentioned in Scripture it is singular.   In other words, it's one doctrine not many.  God clearly desired for us to understand that doctrine is not an opening for multiple doctrines, but a singular doctrine that is about His truth.  ONE DOCTRINE.

As a matter of fact, whenever the word "doctrines" is used with the "s" it always refers to false doctrines, which is to be rejected. (Matthew 15:9; Colossians 2:22; 1 Timothy 4:1; Hebrews 13:9)

Our next post will cover some biblical tests that show correct doctrine instead of believing in doctrines.

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