Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Good Morning, Lord

Every morning at home is pretty much the same routine.  I rise, do my morning “things,” have my quite time before anyone else arises, and then I re-enter the bedroom to kiss my wife good morning while saying “Good morning, I love you.”  She in turn, if conscious, returns the words to me. Now this may seem like a simple thing, but it is clearly the proper start to any day at home and is sorely missed on those few occasions we are apart during the year.  This morning exchange is both a blessing and a marriage builder as it allows my wife and I to connect as we start a new day. 

But this morning it dawned on me that the Lord wants to say, “Good morning, I love you" to His children each day too.  Now mind you He does bring the sun up each morning in beauty (2 Samuel 23:4) and He wakes the birds outside my window (Ecclesiastes 12:4), but that’s not His way of saying, “Good morning, my child, I love you.”  Please know that His Creation is a testimony to me (Romans 1:20) but it is not His voice.  To add to my morning routine, I listen to good Christian music many days as that lifts my heart and soul to serve the Lord within each day (Lamentations 3:63), but that is still not his voice of “I love you, Good morning.”  Also each morning I get the privilege of enjoying the bounty of the earth in the food which God gave and thus I eat the provision of God’s Creation (Psalm 132;15), yet that is still not the “Good morning, I love you” from my Lord.

You see the voice saying “Good morning, my son, you are loved by me” is not found in any earthly experience but in His written Word.  For when we read the written words of God, it is as if we were hearing the VERY VOICE of God.  Think of it this way, the Bible is God’s inspired Word to such a great degree that if God Himself sat in the room with us, He would be saying the exact same things as He has written down in His Word.  The Bible is literally the words of God and that is crucial to hear His voice properly. 

Let me add, that this was understood concept was understood fully by the men of God and writers of the Bible as they said things like:

Job 23:12 “Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.”

Psalm 138:2 “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

The great people of faith saw the direct connection between God’s “voice” and His written Word.  They did not look for His voice if they had the written Word in front of them.  They relied on what God had given them in writ way beyond any audible voice they might hear.  I truly believe that Satan can at times sound like God but God’s written Word is sound and safe in a very unique and precious way.  The written Word IS the voice of God today.  Do you see it?  Do you see that God’s written Word is as good as hearing the voice of God, and in some cases actually better as written Word is often not as easily misinterpreted as spoken words?

If you do, then when you read His Word He is is saying, “Good morning, I love you My child.”

So why not start very morning by allowing the Lord to say, “Good morning, my child” through His Word?  Let His Word come into your heart and thus His voice enter your ear.

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