Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Simplest Way to Share the Gospel

It seems that almost on a daily basis we see “new” methods of sharing the Gospel being presented to us.  Now mind you not all of them cost financially, but it is interesting to note how many of these “new” ideas are either a new printed tract or book which you need to purchase or a video series available for download after purchase.  I understand that printing costs money and paying properly for things is clearly biblical.  Also I am glad that there are people who are seeking to give a fresh vision to giving out the Gospel to the unsaved world, but are we missing the most simple method of sharing the Gospel in exchange for a “new” method?

The word “Gospel” is used 101 times in the King James New Testament.  The first is in Matthew 4:23 and the last is in Revelation 14:6.  Twenty five times “Gospel” is mentioned as having been “preached,” twenty four times it is associated with the word “preach” as in “preach the gospel,” and six times the word “preaching” precedes the word “Gospel.”  So in other words, of the 101 times it is used in the New Testament, over half (55) are directly associated with being publicly shared by the method of preaching.  It is also interesting to note that Paul used the word “Gospel” more than all others combined as he uses it seventy four times in his epistles and in almost every occasion of Paul it is directly attached to the “Gospel” being spoken out loud.  

I share these details not for some mindless fact, but to point out something I believe is very important…the Gospel is first and foremost a spoken message.  Now please do not think I am opposed to the printing of God’s Word as our church is home to Northeast Baptist Seedline, which is a scripture publication ministry.  Also I want it to be known that the written presentation of the Gospel is clearly precious to God as He inspired Paul to say “…as it is written, The just shall live by faith” in Romans 1:17, thus showing the importance of the written Gospel.  Nor am I saying tracts are unbiblical as they have been one of the greatest tools of the modern era in evangelism, as they can remain in the hands of the unsaved long after the believer is gone from their presence.  But my point is that the Gospel, in the Bible, appears to be clearly a primarily spoken truth.  

But why is there such an emphasis on the Gospel being spoken?
  1. Of course the obvious response must begin with what the word “Gospel” means, which is good news.  The word “Gospel” is a literal translation of the Greek word “Euaggelion” which means “good spiel (news or tidings)” and is always seen as a spoken type of word.  It is the idea of someone sharing a tidbit of information that you did not know but will thoroughly enjoy hearing (2 Samuel 18:27).
  2. The “gospel” is spoken of in various ways using other words as well, such as when the angel came to the shepherds and said, “…behold I bring you GOOD TIDINGS of great joy…” (Luke 2:10).  Thus the “Gospel must go beyond just saving grace or the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ since it contains more details than just those things.
  3. Really the “Gospel” is the entire plan of redemption given by God to free mankind from the bondage of sin.  The “Gospel” includes the Fall of Man, the sacrifice of blood for sin, the life of Christ, His Resurrection, and of course, God’s saving grace by faith. Because of this, the Gospel being presented is going to require some “preaching” as each unsaved person is going to be in a different part of  their understanding of the “Gospel.”  What I mean by that is that there are some who know there is a God, believe the Bible is God’s Word, know they are sinners, but have never been explained salvation by grace not works.  Thus the “Gospel” starting point for these folks is the kind mentioned in Hebrews 4:1-2.  But, there are others who have no knowledge of the true God, His Word, and Jesus Christ and so the “Gospel” for them begins in another place such as Paul’s “Gospel” message to the pagans near Mars’ hill in Acts 17:22-31, which begins with Creation and ends with the Resurrection of Christ. Think of the Gospel as a line with all the details of the message of salvation on that line beginning with Creation and the Fall of Man and then concluding with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  We need to find where the person we are trying to win to Christ is on that line.  This is only possible when we talk to them and thus "new" methods are simply not the same as the "old" method of "preaching" the Gospel one on one.
I believe in the printed Word of God and encourage its usage, but more importantly, we must understand that the printed Word is not to take the place of personally sharing the “Gospel” with others.  They need answers and direction that God has chosen the “foolishness of preaching” to reveal to them (1 Corinthians 1:18-25).  Today, let’s all commit to sharing the “Gospel” in the simplest way we can - one on one, finding where people are in their search for God.

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