November 2016 clearly changed the landscape of American politics and by many accounts it will change the face of the world as we know too. But for Christians this November has given us a unique opportunity that does not change with each new person in the White House. As a matter of fact this activity actually has little to do with the exact person which is elected president even though that office seems to be the central focal point of the activity. You see we are commanded to pray for those in authority and that can be done regardless of the political or moral disposition of the president or leader.

- Supplications is the idea intervening to God on a person’s behalf. This is the same idea as Moses intervening for Israel on two separate occasions as God was ready to destroy them. Moses gently reminded God that He brought them out of Egypt and promised them a land (Numbers 14:13-20). So many Christians are praying for the judgment of God upon the wicked of our nation when national judgment always effects to righteous too (Matthew 5:45). This is the type of prayer prayed in private or behind closed doors (Matthew 6:6). Jesus prayed this type of prayer in Luke 16:27 and Mark 1:35.
- Prayers is a public prayer prayed in the open for anyone to hear. This would be the idea of praying in your church services for the president and all those in leadership of our country. This is the kind of prayer that is not ashamed or embarrassed to have your words heard. It is a prayer of earnest desires such as Matthew 17:21 and 21:22, which shows a willingness to even fast for the needs of person being prayed for. Peter and John prayed this kind of prayer in Acts 4:23-30.
- Intercessions is a prayer WITH the person you are praying for. It would be the idea of going to the leader and asking them if you can pray for them in their presence such as going to the police officer and asking to pray with him for his protection and wisdom for his decisions. This is the prayer that James describes in James 5:14 when the elders of the church prayer over a person who has a need. We are to pray with those who lead us. This could be your pastor, your local authorities, or governmental officials if that is possible.
How often do we pray for our president, governor, and other elected officials and often do we complain about them? Today let’s rededicate ourselves to pray in a biblical way.
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