Saturday, March 11, 2017

Six Sundays to Easter

Today is March 11, 2017 and we are just six Sundays away from Resurrection Sunday.  

If we were one of Jesus’ disciples walking with him in that day we would have no idea what is just over a month away.  We would be walking with the Lord looking for His kingdom to appear before our eyes but not aware of His coming crucifixion.  Our hearts would have been pulled by the Spirit of God but our eyes would have been somewhat blind to the entire truth of Jesus’ purpose here on earth (Mark 10:23-27.

Yet, the pinnacle of Jesus’ earthly ministry would be taking place in the next six weeks, if we were walking with Jesus in His day.  We need to remember that His earthly miracles were not the pinnacle nor his teachings, though both of these had significant merit and they impact us to this day.  But the ultimate purpose of Jesus’ coming is found in John 10:10 “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  His earthly life and ministry were about His death and resurrection giving us eternal life.

Over the next six weeks I will be preaching in our church on the subject of “Jesus’ Earthly Ministry” culminating in the Resurrection Sunday sermon “Celebrate the Savior” regarding the passion of Jesus being made known to the world.  We will be posting these sermons on our youtube channel, within a week after they are preached. The link is here for those interested:

I encourage you over the next six weeks to read through the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. These six weeks would have begun around John 11.  Here is a basic breakdown of Jesus’ last six weeks, but remember that the last six months of Jesus’ ministry were focused around Jerusalem, and, there was a lot of time spent alone with the disciples.  I am only putting major events in this timeline, but the "in between time" was filled with teaching, especially about the coming kingdom:

Six weeks from Resurrection Sunday: 
Jesus visits Mary and Martha and raises Lazarus from the dead - Luke 10:38-42 & John 11:1-44

Five weeks from Resurrection Sunday: 
Jesus begins his last trip to Jerusalem and blesses the children - Matthew 19:13-30 & Mark 10:13-16

Four weeks from Resurrection Sunday: 
Jesus talks with the rich young ruler - Luke 18:31-34

Three weeks from Resurrection Sunday: 
Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus - Mark 10:46-52

Two weeks from Resurrection Sunday: 
Jesus talks with Zacchaeus and returns to Bethany to visit Mary, Martha, and Lazarus - Luke 19:1-10 & John 11:55-12:1

One week from Resurrection Sunday: 
Triumphant Entry - Matthew 21:1-11 & John 12:12-19

The most crucial season of the year to celebrate our Christian faith is the next six weeks as they are the weeks that lead to where our salvation becomes fulfilled in Jesus.  May you focus your heart and mind on these events and Jesus’ preparation for His death, burial, and Resurrection.

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