Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why Have Daily Devotions?

There have always been those who tell us that serving the Lord out of duty alone is normal.  Now,  I suppose there are times that serving the Lord is a task in certain areas, such as tithing or some area of serving others.  But when it comes to spending time alone with God, there is nothing that should be a chore about that.  We should enjoy the time getting together alone with God at some point each day.  However, if we are honest, for most of us there are times when devotions are challenging and we need to know why we should continue to do them.  What is our motivation when it seems we are getting nothing from the Word of God and our prayers seem to be bouncing off the ceiling?   

Today, I would like to give you several reasons why we should daily read God’s Word and daily pray, and, not one of those reasons is going to be “because we are commanded to do it.”  I pray that this practical list will give you a better direction and purpose in your daily time with God.

  1. Devotions are meant to be a precious time alone with God.  Psalm 29:2 says “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”  God, as we ourselves, want to spend time with those whom He loves and that includes His children.  Devotions can be a wonderful way of getting to know the Lord and be personally in His presence.  They are intended to be a time with the Lord not just reading alone in our room.  Let your heart soak in that though for a moment or two.
  2. Devotions are also a way to verify what we have been taught by others.  In Acts 17:11 the Bereans were described as being “noble” because they daily searched the scriptures to see if what they were being taught was actually the Word of God.  Do you ever search the Scriptures to validate what others are saying?  Make that a part of your devotional time as well.  Now this does not mean you should critique every message your pastor preaches, but it does mean to see if what you are being taught from every source fits the Bible’s truths.
  3. In Matthew 6:9-13 Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray as they had asked Him.  In the midst of the well known “Lord’s Prayer,”  Jesus says “give us this day our daily bread.”  Our daily devotions are the opportunity to share our unique every changing daily needs with our Heavenly Father.  Our needs are going to change daily and thus a daily time allows us to bring these specific needs to Him.
  4. Daily devotions also force us to stand still even for a few minutes and that is clearly a good thing on so many levels.  In 1 Samuel 12:16, Samuel stood before the people in an attempt to encourage them during a difficult moment and his admonition was to “stand and see” what the Lord would do.  Do you ever feel overwhelmed by life?  Then being still for a few moments in devotions may be just what you need.
  5. God is pleased when we seek to spend time with Him.  Both Psalms 34:8 and Philippians 3:10 make it clear that God wants us to know Him and His power.  That knowledge will be greatly enhanced when we set aside a time each day to just be with Him and please Him in that time as well.  Psalm 46:10 adds “Be still, and know that I am God…”  In our current world state, there is always something to do that distracts us from getting alone with God.  Let your devotions be a moment of “being still” as that pleases the Father so much.
  6. When we spend time with God, we will begin to more like Him.  You can not be like someone you do not know and you cannot know them unless you spend time with them.  I may know the governor of our state, but I do not KNOW him at all.  I know about him but would never be able to talk to him as a friend since I never get to spend any time with him.  However John 17:17 and Romans 12:2 want us to be changed into the image of God, and His Son, Jesus.  That is only possible when we daily spend time with Him.

If you have trouble having effective devotions then let me suggest a few basic things:

  1. Have a plan.  1 Corinthians 9:24 shows that having a plan is necessary for success.  Don’t just wonder around the Bible, have a plan.  If need be get a devotional book or daily reading plan.
  2. Have a place.  Psalm 46:10 is a good verse to consider, but know that a quiet place is crucial for good devotional life.  You cannot have good devotional times at the kitchen table while everyone is milling about the room.  Make a space, and you will have to make that space for sure as it will not just happen.  Satan will do everything to distract you and you must make a devotional space somewhere or at sometime when you can be alone with Him.
  3. Have prayer and praise time.  Don’t just read and leave.  Read and then seek God’s face in prayer, and don’t forget to praise Him.  1 Peter 2:9 and 1 Kings 19:2 (Listen for the still small voice.)  Prayer is not just telling God your needs and wants, but listening for the still small voice of the Spirit in your prayer time.
  4. Be practical.  This means don’t try to understanding everything all at once nor should you try to have a devotional time beyond your abilities.  Be practical in what you read, where you have devotions, and in how you seek to apply what you are experiencing in your devotional time.  Don’d make them the so long and difficult that you cannot wait to finish them.  They then become a task and not a joy.

Daily devotions are not meant to be a chore but a blessing.  If you are always having to make yourself do devotions and if your devotions are not a pleasure most of the time, then maybe take a step back and see if there is a better way to have that time, because those kind of devotions are not what God intended.

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